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Paul Krugman - The Debt Can Go Way Higher With No Problems
TimesTalks: Paul Krugman: How Deep in Debt Can America Go? | The New York Times
The Real National Debt: Is Krugman In Denial?
Republicans and Debt: Blackmailers Without a Cause - Paul Krugman - Opinions @similaropinion
Paul Krugman: Debt Commission Chair Alan Simpson Is Wrong To Call For Austerity, Budget Cuts
Paul Krugman extended interview
Paul Krugman: What have we learnt from the crisis?
Why The U.S. Won’t Pay Down Its Debt
Can Europe be saved, Paul Krugman?
The Geopolitical Implications of the Financial Crisis with keynote address by Paul Krugman
The Conscience of a Liberal | Paul Krugman | Talks at Google